
Saturday, June 13, 2009

FOREX end-of-week update (8-12 Jun 09)

This week had been a struggling week for me. Made a few mistake early in the week and wasn't discipline enough to trade constantly, resulting in having to chase and grab pips to try breakeven my trade result for the week. The few losses had taught me well, and this week result had also showed me that I am more or less adequately equipped to trade profitably. Though the week ended negative, but I am rather pleased with the result as I had managed to reduce my losses significantly from 3 digits to 2 digits.
I will have to rethink through my trading plan this weekend to come out with a timetable of when to trade. I dun think I will have any problem as I had been doing fine, just that lately, my world collasped again and had loss some focus due to that. I just have to wake up from my dream and have some realisation before moving on again... ;p
Dreams, something we need to have to have a fulfilling and challenging life. I continue to have my dreams but the method and way to realise them will have to change now. Re-focusing of life in progress...

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