The end-of-the-year is coming again at a blink of an eyes.
Time to do some reflection and set goals & resolution for the year ahead...
What had I accomplished in the year 2010? NOTHING!!! OMG, seriously speaking, I had not really accomplished anything for the past one year, apart from setting the ground for my "future". Good and bad, depending on which angle you are looking at. I am no longer as young as before and having to build and set my footing again at this age hadn't been an easy task. Nevertheless, I had to stand firm and keep moving ahead so as not to fall too far behind.
With what I am currently involved in and working on, I am quite happy and optimistic. I just hope all is not just a dream. Remembered "DARE TO DREAM", but please be realistic and set goals that are reachable but also scalable. I am seeing the expansion of my company coming true and hopefully I will also get to expand on my capacity and of course get a better pay check every month. And this is going to take quite some time to build and I cannot just sit and wait for it to happen. I was told to keep an open mind for other opportunities, and my reply had always been "okay". And I dunno whether it is right or wrong, good or bad, maybe if I become what I want to be is right & good, but if I do not then it wrong and bad. Wouldn't that be too late then? I have no comments, all I know is I am following my heart and having hope that I had the right judgement and insight. It's a bet no doubt!
What's in for 2011? At the end of the year 2011, I am going to come back to this blog entry and take a note of what I had resolute and whether I had accomplished them. In order of priority,
1. Expand with my current company and continue grow with it.
My company is going through expansion and I am more then ready to grow with it and of course get promoted and have a bigger pay check. Contribute my best effort and of course to benefit myself in term of character building and skill enhancement.
2. Produce better trading result.
Not necessarily need to produce result that are meeting the benchmark set for employee traders, but more for myself. Of course meeting the benchmark constantly and getting employed as a contracted trader would be a dream come true, but I rather take it one step at a time. I just want to be profitable every month consistently and constantly. Increase my confident in myself in trading and to be able to trade larger volume, hopefully the profit gain could supplement my income SLIGHTLY. Just how slightly is good enough? Most probably to afford an extremely good meal would be great!
3. Become debt free or at least cut them by half.
With what I am getting every month currently, it sound like a mission impossible to me to accomplish this resolution I set for myself. But with my search for extra income stream apart from my "full time job", I am quite sure I would be able to make it or at least reducing it to half the sum now. If I manage to cut it by half, I would have been extremely delighted and pleased with myself.
Imagine, in simple calculation, which all banks or institutions will used, it would be taking me more than ten years to clear my debt. Hence if I am able to clear it by half, shouldn't I be extremely pleased with myself? Of course, hard work and effort come with it, and if I make it, I am very sure many people is going to ask me of my success methodology. Before I reveal it, I think it's only right and ethical to test it out myself first. Once I get the result and start to reduce my debt month-by-month, week-by-week, day-by-day, then it's time to share my success with all my friends and eventually all that are in need!
Resolution for the new year (2011) hadn't changed much compared to this year (2010). I had spend half the year (2010) searching myself and understanding what I had really wanted deep in me. In fact, what you really wanted had always been inside you, but we always fail to see it clearly until we do some serious soul-searching. Now that I had found it, I told myself not to give up, no matter how hard the path ahead is going to be. Of course there will be challenges that will set you back so as to make you give up, but as long as WE PERSEVERE, SUCCESS WILL BE OURS!!!
Never know that my secondary education motto will come back and haunt me for a GOOD PURPOSE, and I thought I learnt good experience when I was in the RSN, coming out of regular service with DARE TO DREAM!
In summary, it's...