
Monday, October 27, 2008

BTSS visit and breakfast with MW

Though a holiday, I woke up pretty early to meet JW, MW and her friend from KL for breakfast and to visit BTSS. Sounded really stupid but we had never went back to our school since we graduated, so heartless of us, haha... BTSS had definitely growth to better than during our time now, heard it had also became a better school now... Must be because we had left... ;p

Even the main entrance had shifted to face the road now. As it was a holiday, we were not able to go in, only stare at the main building from outside.

Shy away from my camera haha...

After the BTSS visit, we went over to Bedok Interchange for our breakfast before going out separate ways. MW and her friend will be going back to KL this evening at 4pm. Bon Voyage...

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