
Saturday, March 21, 2009

FOREX end-of-week summary 16-20 Mar 09

Looking at the result, I think I had finally got some light to trading. I was reading this book everyday when enroute home, and decided to be a scapler trade. Basically, one who trade short term and go for small gain instead of setting his position and holding it till the pips target is gain (in the range of 100-200 pips). Though I had tried it before, but did not have good result, last night I tried again and made quite a number of gains versus loss. In fact I reduced my week loss so much that make me delighted. Its the time frame that I was on that made the difference, and seriously speaking it was as dificult or confusing / complicated, I thought it was. Only with I tool at hand, the most 2, I gain trade after trade. Only mistake was competency that set in after I recover half of my weekly losses. This resulted in me having to hold on to 2 trades over the weekend. Not that I didn't want to cut loss but because I felt asleep after that. So now I really have to hope for the best when the market open again. ;p

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