
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

TopOne @ Bugis

Finally vacation attachment for the three PO had come to an end. The three of them, though given off by our boss, made the effort to come back to office and met the officers to treat us to lunch. As boss have a meeting in the afternoon, the lunch was held in Jumbo @ NSRCC. Had a fabulous dim sum lunch there before returning back to office.

After work (ended earlier as bosses are not around), GW, CH and me went to Bugis Junction as we will be meeting the trio later in the evening for karaoke. We settled down in TCC and CH was playing with my iPhone while I was observing my trading. GW who had went to withdraw some cash for the evening came back with othello, he bought it so as to kill some time, haha...

After the drinks, we went to shop around searching for CD shops, and I bought my MAMMA MIA! soundtrack (playing now). Shortly after that we met up with MJ and his girlfriend, never really ever catch their partner names, so guess that it! As the other two will be late, we proceed for dinner, CH and me was still having the lunch in us so decided to skip dinner. We went across to Hong Kong Cafe @ Liang Seah Street for their dinner before proceeding to our main course for the evening, TopOne KTV. EA joined us while we were still in the cafe for their dinner. JQ as usual was going to be late again. ;p

After ordering our drinks, 6 glasses of fruit juices, it took awhile before the waiter return with our order. You must be wondering why I am bothered to even write this details down. Well, thats because party starts only after the waiter had left the room. CH had brought along with him a bottle of Martell (in his is bag of course). EA's girlfriend was nominated to be the one buying the mixers. When she arrive, she was carrying this 7-eleven plastic bag with her stuff in it. And the mixer were in her bag haha...


On a different note, I realised that I was removed as "friend" from someone FB account. I sent a message checking whether it was accidental. Since there was no response, I take it that it was done deliberately. Seriously dun understand why in this world, there are such unfeeling people.

So it was really because of monetary gain, that had caused things to happen and develop previously. I really hate to say it this way or accept it, but I really dunno how to explain and rationalise anymore. I provide, protect and defense for YOU all the time (have you forgottent all this?) but at the end... What do I gain? NOTHING!!! Not only am I single, alone and hurt now there was no friendship either. I felt loneliness surrounding me constantly, I wanna get out and I know I will. Time will show the path.

Still I can't help it but felt hurt, why did things develop till this stage? Haven't I allow and ensure that whatever you want and wished for are in accordance to what you want? I stop contacting you, stop SMSing you, stop calling you, stop MSNing you, avoid seeing you... (tears are rolling down my cheek while writing these, YOU know how much it hurt dun YOU?) Can any gals out there tag me and tell me am I not doing enough to stay clear? All I ask for was to remain as friend in an anonymous way, at least to me, I know how you are getting along and that all I asked for, was that too much to ask for?

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