Sunday, August 31, 2008
My "boring" Weekend I (30 Aug 08)
Since I believe most of you had already watched the movie, I shall not bored readers on what the movie is all about. After the movie, I went to Heartleander @ Kovan to meet LT. Been awhile since I last met her, her husband was working the night shift and hence was free to meetup. Arranged to meet at Kovan Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe at 2100H, I was there early and ate Ham & Eggs plus Half boiled eggs while waiting for her to reach. By the time she reached I was already done eating. We decided to go to Changi International Airport Terminal 2 for ice cream, her treat because she was late, haha... So we went to T2, but the queue was so long we ended up in Macdonald. Catch up with how each of us had been doing and I shared with her my plans... Left T2 at about 0100H, was tired and retired for the night...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
TGIF! (29 Aug 08)
Friday, I was away from office for meeting, took a rige from SG and had breakfast at the canteen, unexpectedly SF turn up for the meeting. He is going to be handling this similiar job scope of mine, haha... Welcome! After the meeting ended, CH and GH jio MJ and I decided not to go back to office and instead went to CH house for MJ. Haha... Had chicken rice from dunno where, bought by GH. Haha... Waited for AG to reach before we started. Finally he arrived but we only managed to play one round only as he need to go give tuition. So no choice, AG gave me a ride home as his student stays in Hougang Area, nearby my place. This MJ session I lost $10, hee hee...
Came home and do my yet so normal routine, switch on my laptop, surf the net, look at the FOREX chart... Did not see any trading opportuntity coming up so decided to watch DVD... I bet most of you or even none of you had ever seen this show, for me, I dun even know there is such a show, and its by Angelina Jolie, SC's favourite celebrity. The title of the movie is GIA, it was a real life story of a top model in New York. She went into drug and got herself into trouble, eventually she learnt and changed for the better only to be hit by something else and died eventually. Not really a good movie, but good enough for you to know some history of the modelling industries, though also not much was spoken of the trade. It's basically the life time story of GIA.
Oh forget to mention, Angelina Jolie (GIA) in the movie played someone who like gal, so she's not straight, haha... But still she is damn HOT and beautiful... Half way through the movie, TB called and asked me for MJ session tonight. Interestingly, tonight so many people jio me for MJ. Since there's nothing for me to do, and EF had yet to reply me of his program tonight, I said okay for the MJ session with TB. Finished the movie, continued watching the 7pm serial on channel 8 before going over to TB house. Had three rounds of MJ at his house corridor, where we usually play (this is only my second time). Final Battle Result? I won miserable $20, lucky enough to cover my taxi fare to and fro. Haha...
And... That's my Friday! ;p
Friday, August 29, 2008
Normal Thursday at work...

The lead actress was Kim Ra-Sang. Not really as pretty compared with someone. I still find that someone prettier. Maybe its true, she will always remain pretty and beautiful in my eyes... ;p
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
More video of fireworks taken on 22 Aug 08

While adding the pictures to my post in the forum, realised I took some video on 22 Aug 08 as well and guess they can be uploaded here since its less than 100mb. So enjoy the fireworks display ;p
Free Labour to Shift Furniture at YS new house
Was my second time there, first time was there to help shift furniture too, but this time we are shifting what we shifted into the room the last time round out to the living room. Haha... Can't make up his mind where to put those furnitures. After shifting the furnitures out, YS started packing his books while the rest do some cleaning up of the kitchen and tuning of the new television. I sat on the new sofa (the first contributor to be sitting on it ;p) and played with Mikaela. She is getting cuter and she's more playful now hee hee...
Army Half Marathon 2008
On sunday (24 Aug 08) morning, YS called me and picked me up at 0530H. We picked YX up before going to the MacDonald's opposite Raffles Hotel. We met up with RL and SF there. Had our breakfast and walked over to the starting point. Reached there at about 0630H, the start time for the run. We continued walking to the staring point, the bridge was so packed with people there wasn't any space for you to run since the pace was so slow.
After we passed the starting point, YS started his run as he have to go to work at 0930H. The rest of us continued our walk and get warmed up. ;p After 3 hours 17 mins and dunno whats the seconds, I crossed the finishing line, completing a total distance of 21km. This is my second time taking part in Half Marathon. Next race would be in first weekend of Dec 08, Standard Chartered Full Marathon.
After the run, we took a cab to Joo Chiat to look for YS as our belonging were in his car. So we had our brunch there at the nearby coffeeshop. Had a stomach filling Teochew Porridge before we headed home.
Rested the entire day at home and watch the DVDs I bought on Sat (23 Aug 08). In the evening, had dinner at Bedok 85 market with RL before retiring for the day.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Singapore Fireworks Celebration 2008
In conjuction with celebration for me on starting my blog, here's some pictures and video taken during the Singapore Fireworks Celebration held on 22 and 23 Aug 08 at Marina Floating Platform. Enjoy...
Some of you may ask, why I was so free to be there on both days? Do I really love fireworks so much? Well, I was there for only one reason, I wanted to capture this beautiful moment so that I can send them to someone who was not able to make it for the displays. One day, I hope I am able to pay for my very own fireworks display for that one person in my life and enjoy that moment together. So those who happen to know how and where I can get the approval and also the company that does this, do keep me informed. That's it for now... more entries coming up soon... ;p